Monday, January 30, 2012

New Shoulder Video!

In order to help educate our patients (and the public alike), we've added videos to our website demonstrating the anatomy of different joints and regions. Check out our shoulder video below - it explains the rotator cuff, biceps, labrum, and many other areas. Hope you find it helpful in understanding what issues you may be dealing with!

Monday, January 23, 2012

PT is Most Effective Option to Relieve the "Pain in Your Neck"

According to new research led by Gert Bronfort, vice president of research at the Wolfe-Harris Center for Clinical Studies at Northwestern Health Sciences University, physical therapy spinal manipulation and home exercise treatments are found to be more effective in alleviating neck pain than medication. READ MORE HERE......

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thinking Positive Really Helps.....But It Depends

INTERESTING RESULTS from new research that sheds some light on how and why remembering successes in our past can help us succeed in the future. CLICK HERE to read the article.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Good Desk Habits: Watch This Video

None of us spend too much time in front of a computer or at a desk, right?

Nice video here from Move Forward PT, that briefly demonstrates how you can optimally set up your desk and computer to avoid and minimize repetitive stress injuries.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Have Ringing in the Ears ("Tinnitus")?

Some of the problems we treat here at Hershey Orthopedic & Spine Rehab are vertigo,dizziness, and balance issues. These are often caused by inner ear problems, and a very common complaint by our patients is ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

The link below is to a very informative guide about tinnitus from the Vestibular Disorders Association. It contains information about known causes and treatments for tinnitus. If you are experiencing tinnitus, mention it to your physician. There may be help available for you.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We're Built To Move at Different Speeds - Another Case for Developing Well-Rounded Fitness

The Scicurious Brain
An interesting short read. The study discussed here shows, in part, why having muscle that function at varying efficiencies at different speeds of locomotion can be an evolutionary plus.
Humans walk well. More to the point, we walk EFFICIENTLY. As we evolved to walk upright, we also evolved to do so with great economy, expending fewer calories at an optimal walking pace, but then expending more calories when we either speed up or slow down. We also may be economically efficient runners as well as walkers, we’re average for mammals, but our long legs and ability for those legs to take repeated strain suggests we may be on the efficient end of primates (and we’re some of the BEST long distance runners on the planet, so we can preen a bit over that one). The jury is still out on running, but as far as walking goes we are the most efficient at a moderate speed (roughly 5 km/hr, or 3.1 miles/hour for men, a relatively brisk walk of 20 min a mile).

Read more here